It’s been a long time

Just realized I haven’t updated since June?! Fixing that now! I’ve been busy with so many different things, and of course, many of them are writing-related.

On Saturday I attended a book fair with my youngest. Several of the ladies I was in a writing group with were there and I hadn’t seen them in awhile so wanted to say hi. During the fair I ended up meeting a woman who wrote a non-fiction book and our conversation led me to Hope Writers, which I’m really excited about. They have a waiting list so I can’t join right now, but I think it will help me with focusing. That’s one of my big problems with writing: too many ideas and a lack of knowing what to focus on, especially with so many other things that often take priority in my life, being the mother of young children.

I will probably take their online writing course since it’s not all that expensive and looks like it’s right up my alley. Also discovered their podcasts and listened to some of the episodes on Saturday while doing laundry.

Need to get some things done but will try to post more regularly! 🙂

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